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Low Fat or Full Fat? That is the Question.

Between so many sources promoting Keto and the age-old recommendation to stick with low fat or fat free, it's complicated determining if you should go low fat or full fat. As you struggle coming to a conclusion, you land somewhere in the middle, eating eggs with avocado and bacon for breakfast, followed later with a low fat strawberry yogurt for snack. And as a result, your health lands somewhere in the middle too.

There's really no question. Fat is an essential nutrient for your body with many beneficial roles to play.

  1. Fat slows down digestion and provides a feeling of fullness.

  2. Fat makes it possible for your body to absorb certain nutrients including vitamins A, D, E and K.

  3. Certain fats provide anti-inflammatory benefits to your cardiovascular system.

  4. Fat adds flavor!

Before you grab the butter though, take notice of which fats are healthier choices. Olives, avocado, nuts, seeds and some fish offer some of the best fats for us. They're all excellent sources of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids which support our cardiovascular system and brain function.


***Do you often feel wonder if you should go low fat or full fat? You don't need to solve that conundrum on your own. That's what Fabulous Nutrition is for! We help people who are confused about what to eat and have a difficult time carrying out healthy lifestyles. Our clients receive up-to-date nutrition education, effective tools, and some of the BEST one-on-one personable support. Want to find out if we're a fabulous fit? Grab yourself a free coaching session (reg. $75)! Here's how:

Simply email with your request using the subject line:

Healthy fats - please help with that!

Together, we'll get you on the calendar for a free coaching session ASAP! But don't hold off on that request, this offer is only good through 3/18/22 at 11:59 PM EST.***



The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.


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